One of the goals of the Institute of Masters of Wine is to educate and disseminate knowledge about the wine world at the highest level. Every four years the Institute holds a four day symposium, inviting speakers who are at the peak of their tree to discuss the latest research, trends and events in wine, as well as iconic producers to show their top wines to an audience of 500 Masters of Wine, Master of Wine students, wine academics and wine professionals from around the world. This year the symposium took place in Wiesbaden. As Symposium Tastings Chair Alison had a big role to fulfil in the conceptualisaion, organisation and execution of some fantastic tastings. The logistics of arranging 800 wines and 35,000 glasses to be in the right place at the right time are not to be underestimated. Oh, and then there was that lovely job of swilling out the spittoons!