taste by flemming

Veggie meal for the meat-eaters

Ok, the last time we saw them, our friends were not eating meat. So we cooked accordingly. Pity, apparently now they are eating meat and could probably have murdered a steak….. Anyhow, we had: marinated kohlrabi (in lemon oil, olive oil and argan oil), lentil vinaigrette with fig mustard plus some roasted cashews; main course …

Wine of the moment

Going French in Spain

Instead of the impenetrable tangle of indigenous varieties, this small 6 ha family winery (Son Prim) on the Pla de Mallorca plain in the middle of the island of Palma, has gone French. Who would expect to find a Blanc de Merlot (with an extraordinary 15.5% abv!) made by a winemaker from Uruguay on the …

Wine of the moment

7000 ha

Cabernet Franc, not quite „in purezza“ but jolly nearly so. Italy has more Cabernet Franc that you could possibly imagine (7000 ha). Normally you would be in the Loire or Bordeaux. In middle Italy, in this case in the country’s green heart, Umbria, this variety can produce very seductive yet structured wines. Always with that …


No calories whatsoever

Austrian cuisine is hearty. It’s mountain food: the sort of calorie intake that is allowed because you have just had a massive calorie outpouring climbing up and down the mountain. This is the savoury version – potato dumplings which, when cut open, reveal pork scratchings in a rich sauce, topped with crisp fried onions. Add …

Wine of the moment

One of my favourite grape varieties

Yum! Possibly not the most professional of tasting notes but this single vineyard Oregon Pinot Noir from Willamette Valley was gorgeous. Totally „a point“ (2017 vintage) and showing that wonderful rotty, undergrowth, sous-bois style that I love. To look at the wine, many would dismiss it: too light, too much browning, obviously not holding up …

taste by flemming

Chef meets chef

The professional chef world is a small one. Bernd met up with Andreu Genestra, Michelin starred chef in Palma de Mallorca. Andreu has worked with some of the world’s greatest chefs, with stints at Arzak and El Bulli, amongst others. His Aromata Restaurant in the heart of Palma’s old town is a low-key interpretation of …

taste by flemming

Was lange währt, wird gut (or all good things come to those who wait)

Endlich! Nach einer bedauerlich langen Corona-Pause geht es mit den legendären Kochkursen bei Lauterbach Schaap Profi-Küchenstudio mitten in Frankfurt am Main wieder los. Legendär, weil sie – und Bernd – zu einer Art Institution für die Feinschmecker in Frankfurt und Umgebung geworden sind. Hier ist jeder willkommen, der eine Leidenschaft für gute Zutaten, für das …